Pippin just had to stay with us.
Pippin was born on April 16, 2021. He was actually “born” with assistance from our vet in Vernon, BC, as his mom, Primrose, had to have an emergency c-section. When they got back from the vet, Primrose was quite sedated, and the vet had cleaned off Pippin, so Primrose rejected him. We tried very hard to get her to let him nurse, but she did not want to have anything to do with him. We ended up having to bottle-feed Pippin, and he became a house goat for the first few weeks of his life. Everyone just loved Pippin, especially as they got to first meet him in his playpen! He just loved his bottle and grew very well. Pippin is such a beautiful boy, all black with blue eyes, that we decided to keep him intact and use him as one of our breeding bucks. He has successfully sired some very beautiful kids.
Pippin is an unregistered, Nigerian Dwarf buck. His sire is our own Nigerian Dwarf buck, Stanley.