These tomatoes are FANTASTIC to use on pastas, spaghetti squash, or my new favourite, Zucchini Noodles; or use over a pot roast, in stews, or wherever else you might have previously used a can of tomatoes or tomato sauce! These keep for months in the freezer – packed in handy, easy-to-store freezer bags – and bring […]
Archives for 2015
Fresh Tomatoes with Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar
A delicious way to use your fresh tomatoes. We love this side dish so much, that it’s always the first thing we do with our tomatoes and basil leaves in the summer. We have even compromised and used “store-bought” tomatoes, if ours weren’t ripe when the basil is ready, or use dried basil when our fresh leaves […]
The BEST Tomato Salsa
Lots of extra tomatoes? Jalapeño peppers just begging to be picked? One of the tastiest (and easiest) ways to use them up is MAKE SOME SALSA! This recipe will keep in the fridge for several weeks, but for larger batches, try freezing your salsa, or better yet, this recipe works great for canning (REALLY – it isn’t hard to do with the right equipment!).
What To Do With Your Extra Tomatoes
So you have TOO MANY tomatoes and don’t know what to do with them all? It is really a great problem to have – all those garden-fresh tomatoes – but unfortunately they don’t last that long once they are ripe! Here at our farm we always plant several different kinds of tomatoes, but it is hit-or-miss as to […]
5 Tips for Goat Fencing for Your Miniature Goats
When we started researching the type of fencing needed for our Nigerian Dwarf and Miniature Silky Fainting Goats, we were CONFUSED! Much of the advice we found was intended for livestock fencing, or at best, for larger breed goats. Although a lot of the information was useful, we found it just wouldn’t work for containing our LITTLE goats, and keeping them […]